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제목 bricklayer salary
작성자 emma007 진행상태 답변완료
작성일 2025-03-19 15:25:02 조회수 5
Are you planning to work in the construction industry and wishing to have a career progression? Becoming a bricklayer might be the right career path for you. This role requires skills and understanding in construction, repair & maintenance, material handling, and many more. Moreover, this is a high demand job with promising income, an average bricklayer salary is ?30k+ per year and will increase with experience and progression. Master the fundamental knowledge of bricklaying and unlock new opportunities in the industry. You can sign up for a Bricklaying course and Career Progression at the College of Contract Management and experience high-quality online learning anytime and anywhere, with live online interaction with expert instructors and fellow students.
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